
Mums Health First Programme – End 2020 with a happier, healthier you

A Group Programme for Mums 

This programme is currently only available to those with a booking link. If you have not been emailed a link, please contact Oonagh@lifechangingnutrition.ie for your exclusive booking link.

The 6 week programme is suitable to mums with children of primary school age or younger.
– How to find your energy
– Get your metabolism working again
– Understand hormonal fluctuations and how to be more balanced
– Reduce cravings for sugar and caffeine
– Make the most of your sleep
– What does it mean to feed yourself properly
– If you don’t poop everyday, why might that be an issue?
– Weekly take home supporting information
– Supportive weekly group goals

This programme includes but is not limited to:
– 6 x 1 hour weekly sessions via Zoom with me, Oonagh registered Nutritional Therapist & Wellness Consultant (NTOI, ANP, CNM NT dip)
– Access to recordings of sessions – only granted with written agreement from all participants
– Weekly handouts on topics covered
– Option to opt-in to Online support group with chat (not social media)
– Faff free recipes & Meal planning
– Information on functional testing and how to request tests from your GP
– Sessions may vary in content, depending on participants’ aims or health concerns.

All participants will be asked to complete a pre-programme questionnaire in advance, to maximise personalisation of the programme sessions. A food & wellness diary may be applicable in the later stages of the programme – but is never mandatory.

Topics discussed include: 
Post Natal Depletion
Digestive health
Gut Brain Axis
Hormones, menstrual cycle and symptoms associated
Intuitive Eating & how a non diet approach works
Liver & eliminating waste
Assessing your toxic exposure

A little bit about my road to health 
I’ve been down many roads, both professionally and personally. Before having my first baby, I had bundles of energy, worked hard and played hard. I really loved my life and all the world had to offer. Having a new baby was exciting, confusing and exhausting. I had no clue how to look after myself. Both my husband and I focused all of our attention on this fabulous boy we had created. We were and still are so proud. But gradually I began to recognise that my own lights were dimming. I lost interest at work. I needed coffee or sugar to keep going. I struggled with body image. I had little or no energy to exercise or enjoy bedtime relations. Often I simply wasn’t a nice person to be around, I had a short fuse and was easily irritated by those dearest to me.I only really found my way, when I studied my diploma in Nutritional Therapy.

It would be my honour to share my learnings with you.

Here is some of the feedback I’ve had from clients this year
“Many post natal programmes and classes I tried focused on physical appearance with exercise routines and strict dietary changes. I had dabbled with bulimia a little in my teens and early 20s so I just couldn’t bear the thoughts of counting calories or macros. After having 3 children and struggling to cope, I searched long and hard the right person to support me. I wanted the old me back (or a version of me at least). I was stressed out, exhausted and always doing things for everyone else. I didn’t see it until I met Oonagh. My friend bought me a consultation voucher as a 40th birthday gift. It was a life changing gift.”
C, Co Dublin

Oonagh worked patiently with me to understand my health history, circumstances and limitations. Her approach was gentle and inquisitive without being pushy. She allowed me the time and space to find my own answers. What I learnt about myself in those sessions, I will never forget. The huge improvements I have seen, from energy to memory and focus at work has greatly improved my life. I’m delighted to say that I’m feeling much better than my old self.”
Louise, Surrey

“After being dismissed many times by my GP, I began to think I was exaggerating my symptoms or it was all in my head. I was told time and time again, what I felt was “normal” for a new mum, or I was exhausted because of I was breastfeeding for too long. When I met Oonagh, my faith was restored in my own body awareness. I was not losing it. I was eventually diagnosed by my GP with hypothyroidism. I decided not to take medication for the time being, with the support of my GP. Instead I am working with Oonagh, on improving my thyroid function through food and lifestyle changes. I am not on a diet. I’m on a journey of self exploration.  I am feeling much better than I did just 3 months ago.”
Fiona, Stepaside, Dublin 18

“I now have someone in my life to support me with my recovery from postnatal depletion. I am so glad that I found Oonagh. Her knowledge, dedication and passion for supporting women beams from her in each and every session.”
Pam, South County Dublin

“It is so rare to find a programme that supports the body wholly and completely. Oonagh’s programme did just that. It allowed me to understand why I felt like rubbish after having my kids. I wasn’t myself emotionally or physically. I kept exercising & dieting to try to find myself. Only to realise that after having 3 kids I had never actually given myself time to recover. I was always running on empty. Sometimes you just need someone else to have your back and Oonagh was my someone else.”
Jen, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin

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