
My thoughts on weight loss

While I am happy to work with clients who would like to lose body fat, I will always work on healing from the inside out, without focusing on weight loss as a goal.
Focusing on weight loss solely, is often detrimental to overall wellness. A weight centered approach prevents folks from really listening to their body.
I encourage folks to stay open minded about non-weight related goals such as energy, sleep, mood, physical activities, memory and concentration, digestive functions and others that are relevant to their story, life stage and personal values.
When working with me, you will get plenty of opportunities through Mindfulness, CBT, Life-Coaching, Education and homework exercises to support unlearning old habits, boundaries and habits that might be holding you back and relearning how to tune in to your mind and physical body with self confidence and trust.
Together we will gently work on values, emotional needs, nutrition, body movement, barriers to changing and reducing stress, among other things that might come up in sessions.
Diets set us up for feeling deprived – the feeling of “I can’t have”
Don’t let the number on a scale define your self-worth!
You are good enough the way you are.
Don’t put your life on hold. Do it today. Live your life. There is no perfect weight…

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